Calvary Baptist Church
Life begins at Calvary

Here at Calvary, we believe in Christ centered services. Pastor Isaac Tyson preaches from the Bible as our only source of doctrine. You will be challenged to grow in Christ through the entire service. Our church offers a nursery and activities for the families with children.
We would love the chance to get to know you! We invite you to e-mail us any questions that you may have that are not addressed here. Better yet, stop by and visit a service. If you appreciate expositional teaching of the Bible and a conservative Christ-honoring ministry, then Calvary just might be for you. Calvary Baptist Church of Quincy is not a perfect place, but if it is God’s will that you be here, then it is indeed God’s perfect place for you!
Sunday Services
Sunday School – 10:00 am
Morning Worship – 11:00 am
Evening Worship – 6:00 pm
Wednesday Services
Children’s Ministry – 7:00 pm
Bible Study and Prayer – 7:00 pm
Nursery Provided
Sunday – 11:00 am
Sunday – 6:00 pm
Wednesday – 7:00 pm
What We Believe
- We believe that the Bible is the completed and verbally inspired revelation of God and that it is authoritative in our lives.
- We believe that God is the infinitely holy, sovereign Creator of the universe and that His holiness is the standard to which man is held.
- We believe that Jesus Christ is God, that He came to earth in the form of man, that His sacrificial death on the cross paid penalty for the sin of mankind, that He rose again conquering death, and that He will return again to claim His own.
- We believe the Holy Spirit is God, that He is the promised Comforter, that He regenerates, indwells, and changes those who believe.
- We believe that by nature man is unable and unwilling to meet the standard of holiness set by God and as a result is the enemy of God; that he is in need of the forgiveness of God, the righteousness of God, and reconciliation with God.
- We believe that through Christ’s sacrificial death on the Cross man may be forgiven by and reconciled to God. Man is only accepted through Christ’s imputed righteousness by God’s unmerited favor through faith in Christ and His completed work. We believe that conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit and that attitudinal submission to God and His Word is key to repentance.