Missions Agencies and Organizations

Baptist Mid-Missions

Baptist Mid-Missions seeks with God’s help to build on its experience by . . . . . . creatively and strategically advancing the cause of Christ to the world. . . . inspiring and mobilizing local churches and individuals to actively participate in mission

Baptist World Mission

Missionary work is New Testament work. Christ promised to build His church (Mt. 16:18). He gave the church its missionary commission (Mt. 28:18-20). Believers were baptized and added to the church the very day that the first local church began its ministry (Acts 2:41, 42).

Gospel Fellowship Association

The purpose of GFA Missions is to sponsor missionary activity at home and abroad and to promote and encourage missionary vision and support on the part of individual Christians and churches.

International Board of Jewish Missions

The ultimate purpose of IBJM is to bring the Jewish people in direct contact with the truth of the gospel. However, we recognize that the responsibility for evangelizing every nation with the gospel lies at the door of the local church. The Bible declares that the gospel of Christ is “…to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”

Bibles International

The Bible Society of Baptist Mid-Missions

Next Step Pregnancy Center, Pontiac MI

An independent, baptist crisis pregnancy center. Mission Statement: To glorify God by providing to people affected by a crisis pregnancy physical, emotional, and spiritual assistance, leading them to salvation and fellowship with a Bible-believing, fundamental, local church.